
January 2, 2013

Without Dance

My eleven-day-ballet-break ends today. First class of 2013 is coming up, and I'm feeling both excitement and a little dread. A bit too much of rest & relaxation during the holidays, not to mention a surplus of chocolates and mulled wine.. Yesterday evening I caught my reflection in the window, and just had to practice arabesques, extending my leg as high as possible. Today my lower back reminds of the fact that I'm not the youngest dancer anymore. Ouch. I vaguely remember a time when eleven days of not dancing was no biggie in terms of bouncing back to ballet form. You went to class and were as good as before. These days I need twice the time of a break to realign myself. I need to keep this in mind, because one of my New Year's dancesolutions is this: Aim high, and work hard - but don't be too hard on yourself!

Dear Readers, I wish you a Happy New Year - many wonderful discoveries, and plenty of ballet bliss!


  1. Other life events mean that I haven't danced for a month! I'm easing back in with a beginner class today :)

    1. The longer the break, the easier you should it take.. Not that any class level is easy. A basic level gives you the opportunity to really clean up your, well, basics. But I would still be careful not to push myself too hard. Not if you want to walk the next day. ;) Enjoy your classes!

  2. My danceschool have a two month christmasbreak! THAT'S hard on a dancer with a bit low self-disipline outside of dance class! Luckily, I have 5 hours of class a week at my "regular" school so I'm not completely without dance but going from 15 to 5 is still hard..

    Hope 2013 will be the best danceyear for all of us dancers!

    1. Two months?! Wow. I'd have switched schools if mine had a schedule like that!

    2. I think it's common practice here in Norway, Summer break is worse, that's 3 months! Either way, I couldn't OR wouldn't change school, we only have one school (well actually two, but the other one teaches hip hop and cheerleading) where I live, and I know it's cliche but the schools like home away from home :p

  3. I calculated today that I've taken a 21 year break from dancing. One of my resolutions this year is to take a ballet class again. Guess I'll take it really, really easy and make sure I'm prepared first :D

  4. Happy new year and new year of dancing :) The holiday break is probably a good rest and recovery period for our bodies, but yes, it DOES make those first couple of classes "interesting." I always find that a break also helps me reset my physical and mental patterns. Things I've been struggling with or not-so-great habits or thought patterns that have been running get broken and I feel like I'm starting with a clean slate again. Such a strange process this ballet is... :)

  5. Damn you really give me hope, I used to dance ballet for 10 years, then I stopped dancing completely for six years. I'm 19 now and I'd really like to start dancing ballet again! I think I'll call my local studio tomorrow :)It's never too late I guess

  6. My New Year's resolution was to take adult ballet which I have now taken for a few weeks. Can't believe how tight I was. Having lots of fun and watching Youtube videos to get me through some home training. And as an adult, I would say it's never to late to start ballet.

  7. Aim high and work hard, but don't be too hard on yourself! It is important that we put in the extra effort and make sacrifices to achieve our goals, but keep in mind to keep everything in control. Enjoy your ballet classes!
