
November 5, 2012

Home is Where the Barre is

At times it feels like I'm adrift in a sea of uncertainties, without any clear outlook on my future. Who am I going to be when I (finally and supposedly) grow up? What's my next job like? Where will I live? What the heck am I doing with my life? Is this really it, and should I have already counted my blessings many times over? But when I dance, there are no such conundrums.

I go to class and my anchor is thrown. For one hour, 90 minutes or three classes, I know I'm in the exactly right place. No place I'd rather be. Dancing makes me happy; before, during and after class. There are days when it's all the joie de vivre there is, but how many do experience such enjoyment on a daily basis? Granted, not every class is or has been wonderful. Sometimes I just don't feel it. I might be tired and sore, and lacking confidence and spirit. But even those bad days have been worth it. If nothing else, they at least have paved the way for better times!

As I type this during the last hour of Sunday, I can't help but have a smile on my face. There is no Sunday night blues, no worries. I know there are many who dread Mondays, but for me it marks the beginning of another week of dance. And I look forward to coming home, once again.

My ballet buddy and I having a great time.


  1. Love the notion of class being a haven from the uncertainties of life! It's how I feel too...roll on Monday.

  2. Yes, it really feels like that. Except that you're not sitting at home, curled under a blanket.. ;)

  3. Beautiful post...and certainly one that resonates with me. Like you, I've been "in transition" for a while now and the lack of a clear path forward towards my next career goal is unsettling. Thank goodness for the peace and concentration of the ballet studio. Taking class gives me an outlet for my physical, mental, and emotional energies and keeps me striving towards self-improvement, mastery, and learning about myself. It's like therapy for me right now! My favorite class of the week is on Monday and I also have a sense of anticipation and joy on Sunday articulated this so well :)

    1. Kaija, you said it - class is like therapy. The best kind. It keeps us sane, motivated, inspired, healhty, and happy. Taking class is pure, unadultered joy! Even when I mess up every pirouette or can't quite keep up with the rest of class. Ballet keeps me on my toes, literally too :)

      Kaija, I really hope you find whatever you're looking for, and in the meantime: happy dancing!

    2. Indeed. That sort of comment --"it's cheaper than therapy!"--sparked a very funny conversation with some ballet pals as we considered the cost of classes, dance wear, pointe shoes, physiotherapy, etc ;)

    3. Hehee.. Maybe it's not cheaper, but helluva more effective! :D

  4. Johanna, lovely post again. Had a quick read before going to bed. Hope you are having a great week dancing.

    Nasia :)

    1. Thanks Nasia! I had a great week, right until Tuesday.. But more about that later. :)

  5. Cute idea combining cakes and pointe :)

  6. While I don't dance (unless you count joyful silliness with the children on the living room floor), I have a horse who has followed me for over a decade. This post struck a chord with me, as I can identify so much with the rĂ´le you describe that dance plays in you life. To me, that is what coming to the stables does. Home is where the hard work is.
