
September 15, 2012

Class Outfits: Black and White

Sometimes I like to fall back on the classics. A simple white camisole leo, pale pink tights and a short black tulle skirt. Hair in a neat bun, polished off with hairspray. Classic ballet student. When I took this photo, both flatties and pointe shoes were still new, but they have since earned their class cred. The t-shirt was earned volunteering, but I usually loose any extra layers before barre is over. Too hot! By the way, have you noticed how ballet pink tights turn into a whiter shade of pale? And then look more white grey-ish than "natural" on your legs? Not that pale pink is a natural shade to begin with. Really, what grown-up woman would wear pantyhose in such a shade? But us ballet students do, that is when we are not in black leggings. Which reminds me I need new ones, all my tights have snags and holes. Not so classy..


  1. A white leotard is very brave! Love the skirt.

    1. I dunno.. white suits me, especially with the hint of tan I got last summer. It's really like wearing a white tank top with your jeans. Nothing brave about it :) The skirt is my favorite, it's short enough to make my legs look longer (but keeps the derriere covered).

  2. I know what you mean about the 'classics'. I don't always wear them, but sometimes it's nice to have them to fall back on. Though I tend to go for black leo rather than white (I don't really suit white). Love the skirt too - I have one just like it.

    1. The white leo isn't my usual choice either, but I sort of rediscovered it this year. I bought it originally for a spring show in 2009. Our costumes consisted of knee-length peasant style tulle skirts and some old white polyester leotards. The leos gave me no support whatsoever, so I needed the extra layer. Figured I could wear it to class too, as opposed to a nude underleo. Then the plastic thingy on the strap snapped and I tossed the leo into the back of my closet. Until this year's show, when I finally fixed the thing.

      As long as a white leo is fully lined at the front, it's not scary at all to wear. And I think white suits mostly everyone, just like those beautiful tutus in Giselle and Swan Lake. Unless you're very pale, then it might make you "disappear" without stage make-up. ;)

      But my favorite leo colour right now is hot pink! :)

  3. Love the classic look! I actually wear black most of the time, but always spicing it up with some lace detail or interesting neckline. Is it weird that ballet pink almost looks like my natural skin colour? Guess it's official that I'm pale :D

    1. Hehee, my feet are pale too! The ballet pink of Bloch's flatties matches my skin tone exactly. At least when it's not summer :) But for some reason all my ballet pink tights end up looking more or less white.

      I have two black leos, but I don't wear them so often. One has a neckline that's a bit too low, and the other has lost most of its support. Should really get a new one, maybe with a zipper in the front... Otherwise I like jewel colors, and if I had the budget, would customize my own with yumiko. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Hi. I'm a 13 year old ballet student who just came across your blog (I really like it by the way! :) ) I have been doing ballet for four years and pointe for a little over five months. My first pair of pointe shoes are now almost dead and I was thinking that for my next pointe shoe fitting that K will be scheduling soon I would try Capezio pointe shoes because I think they are absolutely beautiful and have heard good things about them. I was wondering if you have ever tried them and if you like them. I was also wondering what brand of pointe shoes you have pictured above. Are they blochs?

    Also if you could please check out my blog it would be SO great. Thanks so much on advance!

    1. Hi!

      I checked out your blog and left a comment. Now I just realised that I congratulated you on your first pointe class - when you have already worn out the first pair of shoes! :)

      My first pointes were Capezio "Aerials". They were very beautiful and quiet, but not a good fit for my slightly wider right foot. The shank kept twisting away from under my foot, which means the shoe was too narrow for me. The model is available again, but when I tried it on the same thing happened. For some reason it doesn't fit my right foot. No matter what size and width. I have tried on other Capezio models, but sadly we are not a match.

      Having said that, the brand of the shoe is not important - your feet and personal preferences are. What looks beautiful on one dancer, may not work for you. If you've heard good things about a particular brand, doesn't mean you will be happy too. Try out as many different models and sizes as you can, and you will find your own match!

      Some time ago, I got to visit the shoe-room of the Finnish National Ballet - what a pointe paradise! As you know, professional dancers don't have to pay for their shoes, but get to order what they want. I took a close look at those shelves, and saw that most shoes came from Freed and Bloch. But there were also Gaynors, Grishkos and Capezios. One of the principal dancers has worn the same Capezio model for her entire career. They make it especially for her, as the model has otherwise been discontinued. My teacher wore Blochs, also made-to-order. That's another beauty of being a pro-ballerina; you get shoes customized to your own specific needs. I only wish.. ;)

      My current shoes are Bloch Balance Europeans - and I'm pretty happy with them. Best of luck with your next fitting!
