
July 18, 2012

Ballet Snapshots

Sixteen pictures have to be worth more than a thousand words, right?


  1. Some lovely pictures, I wish I was as flexible as you.. And had the availibity of as many classes as you do!

    1. Thank you! But I'm not that flexible, at least not for ballet's standards. Still can't get a full split on my right side.. But it's good enough for a recreational dancer. And you know, you can always improve!

      Yes, I'm definitely happy & lucky where classes are concerned. There are no summer breaks in big city, and we have classes for adult dancers every day. It's great! Wish you could have the same :)

  2. you should more often put up pictures or videos if you while dancing ;)
    are the slippers sansha pros ? i have them and ii'm so in love with them

    1. Hi!

      Thanks - though I'm still a bit shy about posting (too many) pics of me.. And videos? Oh dear, no. :D

      Yes, the slippers are Sansha Pro1. I love that you get matching mesh-bag with each purchase!

    2. Oh, please!!! I LOVE these pictures and a video would be wonderful. I want to see you dance!!! I love reading your descriptions of the steps and your love of the art always shines through. I'm sure you are a beautiful dancer!

    3. Hannah - I don't think I will ever feel confident enough to post a video of me.. I do love the art, as we all do - but I'm better at writing about dance than the dancing itself. I would hate to disappoint you all!

  3. Waw, some of thoSe photos are really amazing! Did you take them yourself?
    I really like the one with the piano and the one with the pointe shoes :-)
    I'm creating a blog myself, maybe you could check it out because you've got more blog experience :-) I'm always open for improvement!

    1. Thank you! All photos are mine, except for the pics from our performance (I have permission to use those).

      If you use photos in your blog, make sure to credit them to the original source - unless they belong to you.

      Be real and realistic, and write about your own experiences. Share other blogs and links that you like, but don't re-write the history of ballet or give technical advice - unless that's your field of expertise. If you write about a ballet, write from your pointe of view - what makes it special to you.

      The best & most interesting blogs are those with an unique point of view, and preferably with good spelling too! ;)

  4. I totally hate people who spell "point" as "pointe". That's so needy.

    1. Needy, how so? If you're talking about my blog's name, then you should know that "pointe" refers to pointe shoes! :)Sure, it's an obvious pun for every bunhead and ballet blogger, but life is not that serious. Though I don't know who outside of ballet would spell "to point" with an -e..

  5. I just found your blog and am truly enjoying it. I danced as a child and teen, but then went on to other things. Now my children are dancing and I find myself longing for ballet again. :) At 35, I figured I couldn't handle ballet again...but maybe I can. Not so sure if I'll tackle pointe again, although I am enjoying your points about pointe for my daughters. :) Aileen

    1. Dear Aileen,

      Please find yourself some good classes and get back to that barre already! You're only 35 years old, of course you can still handle ballet. :)

      Having said that.. You're probably not going to be the same dancer you were in your teens, but there are other advantages. Life-experience, for one. Adult confidence and all that. The brain can still do it and the body will catch up too. Okay, maybe extensions won't be as high or backbends as low, but quality is key. Not quantity. If you decide to go for it (again), you might even surprise yourself. It's amazing what a grown-up, mature body is still capable of doing!

      What I love about dance is that all the hard work feels like good times. Every single time. :)
