
March 12, 2012

Grown-Ups at the Barre

A new ballet blog has been born! "Grown-Ups at the Barre" is a collaborative effort, put together by a group of ballet bloggers for other fellow adult ballet dancers. Yours truly had the honour of writing the first entry, and you can read it here: Adult Ballet Dancers.

The blog is still a work in progress, as all of us dancers are.. But do check out the pages "Balletiquette", "Men" and our "Library" - you will find lots of useful and fun information there! We hope to fill in the gaps soon, and are open to any comments and ideas you might have.

As for my own blog.. I will keep posting as before. Oh, and as I hinted in my previous entry, there are going to be some special posts in the near future. I have already taken my first peeks behind the scenes, and it's just as fascinating as I had envisioned. No, even more so!

Last Sunday I had another opportunity to take an open-level, by-invitation-only, recreational adult ballet class at Big Ballet Company - accompanied by a real, live pianist (the best kind)! It was so much fun! We practiced the entrance of the Shades (from Bayadère) again, this time from the arabesques until the first kneel-down with port de bras. I don't know how else to descibe it. Other than awesome. The atmosphere in that big studio is something else entirely. Sure, there is a mirrror and barres like in every other studio. But then you see a practice tutu lying under the grand piano, and taped stage markings for rehearsals, and outside of the studio there are pointe shoes everywhere and more tutus in another corner. It's just fabulous! I'm hoping for some stardust to stick on my slippers.. ;)


  1. I'm loving the new blog :D

    1. Thank you! It will be fun to see where this goes.. :)
