
February 15, 2012

Adult Ballet Dancer

You may have seen different versions of this on facebook, all funny and to the point. Teachers, doctors, yoga teachers.. but not an adult ballerina in sight! Are we not a force to be reckoned with? Well, long story short, I came up with my own. Enough said.

P.S. While the story board is my "intellectual property" (hah!), all photos have been shamelessly ripped off from the Internet. However, the last one can and should be credited to photographer Angela Sterling. The soloist in glorious grand jeté is Lindsi Dec, and the company Pacific Northwest Ballet.


  1. Lol, you´ve made my day!!!! I totally needed this RIGHT NOW. Would you mind my stealing/sharing this? Nice blog, BTW :-)

    1. Hi Julie!

      I'm glad you like it :) And no, I don't mind if you want to share - especially if you back-link it to me and my blog!

  2. This is so true. My favorite was about the coworkers!

    1. Yes, there are far too many misconceptions about what we do.. I have had coworkers ask if I dance at our National Ballet, like it is something you do on the side! And then are those who look at you like you're deluded or something.. Who think my ballet classes are some sort of make-belief aerobics for wannabe-ballerinas..

      Well, I guess the truth is somewhere between those photos ;)

  3. fabulous, terrific, funny. thank you, Joanna.

    1. Thank you!! I post it as I see it. Looks like my fellow dancers feel the same :)

  4. oh man, I love this!!! It could go viral on facebook! There's plenty of us adult ballet dancers there:)

    1. Thanks! I have posted this on my blog's FB-page, and shared it on some other sites too. I think it might even have been the first ballet-version! But the interest in these seems to be fading already..

      Maybe I'll do a sequel :)
