
January 26, 2012

100 Posts and 10 Questions

Dear Readers, fellow dancers, ballet-geeks, darlings. Let me just say how happy I am that you are still reading PTYD after a hundred posts! Blogging about my life in ballet has been fun, therapeutic even, but it would mean only half as much without your input. You have moved me, made me smile and given new insights to think about. Reading your comments both inspires and motivates me!

To celebrate this hundreth post, I want to ask you a few questions. Okay, the exact number is ten - but you choose which questions to answer. Think about it, and write as long or succint as you like. I'm looking forward to each and every comment! 

1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
3. How many dance classes do you take?
4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
6. What are your favourite ballets?
7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams
10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?

Thank you!


  1. Congrats on 100 posts! Here's my answers...

    1. Dance keeps me sane - when life is crazy and work is stressful it offers me a sanctuary where I can ignore everything else and just concentrate on ballet
    2. I started about 18 months ago - seems both like yesterday and years ago!
    3. Currently I only take 2 classes a week - an hour long syllabus class and a 3 hour long general class/repertoire session. However I'm also in the studio 3-4 times a week practicing on my own and trying to build up stamina (especially for the 3hr beast of a class!)
    4. I do now! Next month I'll be performing 'proper' ballet for the first time ever - a Pd4 partnering 3 girls at once(!).
    5. As much as it is said over and over it is completely true: dance like no-one is watching. I rarely manage to achieve that complete freedom but when I do there is such an amazing feeling; it's like I'm flying.
    6. Oooh - a toughy! If I had to choose a top story-ballet it'd probably be Giselle (it's just perfect!) and for shorter/more abstract pieces it'd be a tie between Balanchine's Serenade and Robbins' Dances at a Gathering.
    7. Pretty much all of partnering! ;) It's rather intimidating to know you are responsible for someone else and it can be frustrating at times when you move your partner and realise that they don't move how you do! For solo stuff, I just tried grand pas de basques on Wednesday which will take a bit of practice (I keep wanting to do a grand jeté en tournant instead).
    8. Allegro! I guess as a guy that's probably the standard answer but I *love* jumping! Weakest is probably pirouettes - my doubles are still rather dodgy...
    9. I'm 24! (Started ballet age 23)
    10. Just keep up the good work! You're definitely one of the most inspiring adult dancer blogs :)

    Congrats again on hitting the century!

    (from DaveTriesBallet)

    1. 1. I agree. Ballet class gives you the opportunity to be 100% present, instead of having your mind scattered all over the place.

      2. DaveNoLongerTriesBalllet, DaveDoesBallet! :)

      3. Three hours of ballet is a wopper! In addition to building stamina, it's also important to learn how to pace yourself.

      4. That's fantastic, Dave! And I wish I could import you to Finland to partner us too ;)

      5. "Dance like no one is watching" - I would like to edit this advice to "Dance like no critic is watching"! After all, ballet is a performing art. You gotta keep the audience (imaginary or not) in mind and dance for them too..

      6. Giselle is wonderful, which has everything to do with the score. You can really hear & see that it was composed for every step! By the way, Giselle was the first ballet I ever saw performed live :) I also share your love for Serenades and Dances at a Gathering!

      7. I can imagine! When you see an amazing pdd on stage, you forget how difficult it really is. Which of course is the aim.

      Love to jump grand pas de basques! My current teacher rarely gives this saut in exercises. :/

      8. As it should be! :) Allegro is among my fave too, unless there are a lot of beats. Then my brain overloads way too easy :D

      Pirouettes.. A lot of it happens in your head. You gotta convince yourself before you turn, be the boss!

      9. Glad your youth is not lost on you ;)

      10. Thank you very much, Sir! :)

  2. 1. It just... *does*. It's more a need, I guess than anything.
    2. I've danced on and off since I was three, started pointe last summer but, as Sartre wisely didn't quite say, 'pointe is for other people'.
    3. None at the minute, I sort of burnt out and lost the love so I'm getting my sanity and need to dance back on track :)
    4. No, no way and never! I think I'd quite like to but realistically I can't imagine anything worse!
    5. I guess I agree with Dave: dance like nobody's watching.
    6. Balanchine's Symphony in C, Cranko's Rom&Jul, Swan Lake (cliché, I know), Giselle, MacMillan's Rite of Spring. Others... but they're the key ones.
    7. Said it before, I'll say it again: pirouettes are the supreme evil.
    8. Can I opt for watching as my strong suit? No? Probably barre then (unless pirouettes are involved ;)).
    9. I'm older than I ever intended to be... err, 30. Golly.
    10. Just keep writing, you're awesome!

    1. 1. Once your hooked, that is really it. A "need" - definitely yes!

      2. Bummer about the pointe. Was it the shoes, the classes or just an overall feeling of wrong?

      3. I hope that you can rekindle your love! It happened to me, it can happen to you too <3

      4. Well, that's what I thought when I restarted ballet. No way never. Until I stood in the wings, waiting for my cue. It was scary as hell and exciting beyond anything else! I wasn't any good, and too nervous to even smile, but it was worth it.

      5. "Dance like no critic is watching!"

      6. Lovely selection :)

      7. In Finnish, a pirouette is called a piruetti. Incidentally, the Finnish word for devil is piru. Go figure..

      8. Watching does not count! :D

      9. Funny how that happens ;)

      10. Thank you, Nellie <3

  3. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I've always loved dance and music, and tend to be in motion in one way or another at all times. I've never been the type to get up and go for an hour-long jog, but I love to have fun dancing, and I love how beautiful and peaceful I feel when I dance ballet.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    Though I've been dancing in various forms since preschool, I have only been taking serious ballet classes for 2 years now, and I've been en pointe for about 6 months. RAD Grade 6 exam next month, wish me luck!

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    I'm currently in three 1 1/2 hour classes a week, though one is strictly for exam prep and will be ending when the exam has passed. I'm not sure what I'll do with my Sunday evenings when that happens!

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    Even though my class is technically a recreational intermediate class, the studio does include us in their year-end recital, and we have chosen to participate in an adults-only competition this spring. I've been performing dance in various forms since age 5, but this will be my first competition!

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Don't react to your own mistakes. Dance with confidence, keep moving forward, and chances are that your little mistakes will go unnoticed. Remember that dancing is more than just technique. While technique is important and vital, dance is also about the performance. Be confident, be graceful and enjoy yourself!

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty are my favourites at the moment. I've actually never seen La Sylphide, but I've read the story and I'm very intrigued by that one as well.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    You know, it's funny, but the most challenging step for me is actually the basic single pirouette en dedans. I can throw perfect pirouettes en dehors, but my dedans are always messy despite many hours of determined practice. I find it funny, though, because my teacher is always talking about how much easier en dedans is and how she prefers to use it in choreography...

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    If I had to pick from the RAD Grade 6 curriculum, which is what I'm testing on in a month, I'd have to say my strongest is the center adage routine. I'm getting pretty darn good at the petite allegro, though!

    9. How old are you?
    24 next Thursday.

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    I love your blog! Keep up the good work :)

    1. 1. Yes. I love how dance makes you feel. The health benefits are a great bonus!

      2. Toi, toi, toi! Or if you prefer some French luck: Merde! :)

      3. More time to watch ballet on youtube! Seriously, would it be possible to add a permanent third class? Three classes make such a difference to your dancing..

      4. Wow. That is so cool! The recital and the competition - it's so good to have some goals to dance for.

      5. Excellent advice, and one that I keep forgetting. Performing has been a fairly new experience for me, despite having danced for more than 18 years!

      6. If you can, look up Sylphide by the Royal Danish Ballet! Also, Elisabeth Platel. She is sublime.

      7. My teacher keeps telling me to keep the popo under. With en dedans pirouettes it is very easy to lift the hip of your passé retiré leg, which will throw you off for sure.

      8. Super - you have already more than one strong suit!

      10. Thank you, Jenna! :)

  4. I've loved reading these comments! Here are my answers :)
    1. I love ballet more than anything (people aside of course!). Stepping inside a studio is such a special feeling, it does transport you. It is like nothing else!
    2. I started dancing at 4, 'proper ballet' at 8. I have to admit, I didn't love it immediately. From the moment I began pointe at 11 though...ah I was hooked!
    3. I took classes here and there last year, and taught lots. I might reverse that this year!
    4. I always enjoyed my classes, performing far less so! My classes are adult open classes and there aren't performing opportunities.
    5.My teacher said 'You're a long time dead so enjoy your time at the barre now!'
    6.Oh HARD QUESTION! Giselle. Love every minute of that one! (I also love Swan Lake sooo much, Bayadere...)
    7. I struggle with adage.
    8. Jumping! Grand allegro. Is there anything more enjoyable? Perhaps a beautiful port de bras, but jumps are my strength.
    9. I'm 25
    10. I love your blog, and your tweets! Hearing about your classes motivates me to go to mine :)

    1. 1. So true! There's nothing quite like it :)

      2. That's awesome. I know many who quit after hitting their teens. Just think about it, you have danced for most of your life!

      3. Hope you get to have more classes for yourself!

      4. That's a shame. I think adults should have that opportunity too (if they want). Ballet is after all a performing art. The choreography does not have to be technically difficult to be beautiful. And it's such an experience to be on stage, it really transports you away from ordinary/everyday life..

      5. That advice does apply pretty much to everything! Life is short, we should not waste our time dancing.

      6. Ooh, Bayadere.. have you already seen the Paris Opera Ballet / Nurejev documentary that's on youtube? It's a must-see:

      7. Adage is hard. Remember to breathe and use your plié. Imagine you're trying to wow a Prince.. ;)

      8. Anything better than jumping? Hmm.. :)

      10. Thank you, Vanessa!

  5. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I started ballet very impulsively. I went to a dance school for streetdance and I saw that there was at the same hour an adult ballet class. It was a child dream to do it so I bought a semestercard for that class. A semester because it hadn’t the intention to continue …
    But during the first class I already knew that ballet was the missing part in my life… except sleeping it’s the only thing where I can forget everything .. it’s like another world .. it’s magical. When I’m dancing the time flies …

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    Now it’s my fourth year of ballet. And my first year of pointe

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    I followed for 3 years 1 class a week. Now I’m switched schools and now I have 1 two hours class of ballet. And I also started pointe class one hour a week. In my old school It was a adult class. Now I’m in the 16+ class( but most of them are between 20 and 28), they found I had to much experience to follow the adult beginner class.

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    In my old school ballet wasn’t important. They had it because the competitiondancers were required to take ballet. They only held one recital ( competitions were more important) So on the recital ballet had a little time to show. We only had a dance of 2.15 seconds…
    In my school now, shows are very important. Every year there is one. Because we are the ‘ most experienced group’ ( well the other girls in my class) we have the leading roles, solo’s but also most dances. We have 13 dances to do … and yes, also one on pointe…
    And I also have my first solo. It’s also very special because normally you can only have a solo from that teacher when you dances more than a year with her. But now I have one in my first year. It’s a very short one I think a minute or something. But for me it’s more than I can tell.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    I told my teacher I’m very insecure because all the others in the group have more than 10 years of balletexperience. Then she told me that if you start as an adult you advance more because with young children the class has to be playful, like a glissade is jumping over a river, and they do that in class with jumping over a blue tissue .. . And adults you can teach the step like it has to be. So adults can be as good as girls with years of experience.

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    My favorite ballet is alice in wonderland in the version of the royal ballet. Ballet and humor is such a good combination. My favorite role is the queen of hearts
    To see one of the parts of the queen of hearts :
    To see the whole ballet :D :

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    My Most challenging step is for most people a very easy one. But my feet doesn’t understand how to do an entrechat. With that step I have discovered that’s it’s possible to stand on your own feet …

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I like everything that needs a lot of flexibility, Like developpé, grand battement, grand écard, grand jeté, pied à la main, pied sur la barre … and yes, I’m good at it!
    I also like pirouettes. Last Friday I did my first triple.

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams
    I’m 22

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    i really like your blog. keep writing !!

    1. 1. Hey, the same thing happened to me! Except it was not street, but jazz and the teacher told me about adult ballet. First class was instant love :)

      3. Sounds like a good number of classes. Also, there is no sense taking adult beginner ballet if you've danced that much - and you have options! I'm glad the "teenager"-class is working out for you.

      4. 13 dances? Wow. I'm lucky if I get to be on stage for more than 3 minutes! In my old school (where I started), adult ballet dancers never got to go on stage. Only the semi-pro / advanced girls / women with a very strong ballet background. My current school is more open-minded :)

      That is some honour to be chosen for a solo! Good girl! :)

      5. True. As an adult you learn lot of things quicker. But of course you still need to do the physical work. Hmm.. I would actually love to "jump over rivers" :)

      6. Thanks for the link, this is a fabulous choregraphy by Wheeldon!

      7. You can practice your entrechat quatres at the barre, it really helps. And no, it is not an easy step for most people.

      8. Good for you. Flexibility is so not my thing.. Have to stretch like crazy to get anywhere. Congrats on the triple! That is quite awesome after only 3-4 years of ballet.

      10. Thank you very much! :)

  6. Even though I already answered many of these at the Finnish blog, I wanna be a part of and introduce myself to this international group of readers, too, so here goes. :) I'll do my best to not just repeat the previous answers...

    1. Dance makes me who I am. It gives the freedom to be myself, to express myself and my thoughts/feelings without having to put them into words (which I suck at).

    2. 5,5 yrs ballet, of that ~2,5 years pointe until I had the sense of quitting it. My feet will never be flexible enough.

    3. At the moment 2x/week ballet, 2x jazzdance (showjazz + lyrical jazz), 1x hoopdance.

    4. I don't even know if my current dance schools have every class perform in the spring recitals... But I've had my share of performing in dance: back in the day I used to be a latin dancer and we did perform a couple of dozen times in a year.

    5. Always give and do your everything in class as well as on stage. Never give up.
    Also think that every move means something, because without thought and meaning it's not dance, it's just a series of movements. (Actually the teacher in question used the words 'tell a story' but that mental image is a bit too concrete to work for me)

    6. Balanchine's Jewels!

    7. The nightmare also known as chaînés. I'm finally starting to get them.
    Outside ballet I learned to headstand for a show dance recital last spring. :D

    8. Have to go for musicality on this one.
    I do love pirouettes and don't think I'm completely useless in them either. And it's a shame that even though I jump quite high, the jumps never look so good thanks to the feet that just won't pointe fully.

    9. 27-34; don't even wanna think about the exact number.

    10. This I didn't comment on earlier... I love to read about your classes (not sure if this applies to those I've been to myself too... probably yes. :D ) and all the good advices you share. A balletiquette/dancetiquette/class etiquette post could be interesting. ;)

    1. 1. How awesome to have dance as an outlet!

      2. Better to be smart than suffer for your art. Anyway, you can enjoy ballet without pointe shoes just as much!

      3. Fun combo, esp with the hoopdance :)

      4. Wow, you have a lot of experience! In our school it depends on the teacher, most classes do perform - but not all ballet classes! My teacher puts several levels together for one group number, and who ever wants can join..

      5. One of our teachers often asks us to "tell a story with our feet". But it's not that easy.. What story? Who am I in this story? What are my motivations? Ballet class is not exactly acting class. ;)

      6. A masterpiece!

      7. Headstand? Cool! Chaînés are tough. You gotta keep your feet together, and under you. Also spot like crazy. I once almost chaînéd off stage! :D

      8. Musicality is a big deal. If you rely only on counting the steps, you're missing out on something..

      9. Hey, it's not like you're 67.. ;) Although that would be very cool!

      10. There is going to be a balletiquette post, but not on this blog. Stay tuned..

      Thank you, Ilona!

    2. Yes, that's exactly the problem I have with the storytelling, too. Or had, until I realized it doesn't need to be that verbal. You can just *feel* the movements and the intentions behind them and, if you wish, even the dramatic arc without having to thinking it through in words first. I guess making up a whole storyline works for some, but definitely not someone (me...) with the aforementioned problems in verbalizing anything.

      Thank you, Johanna: from now on, whenever I'm feeling awfully old, I can just tell myself "at least you're not 67". :) On the other hand, I have a dear friend who's past 60 and still takes jazz dance classes (not exactly the easiest kind) with the 20-somethings. She's rad!

      (LOL @ Blogger word verification: "prove you're not a robot". Guess whose arms were just called too mechanical in class...)

  7. Congratulations on 100 posts!
    I have not taken ballet classes, but have been a season subscriber for over 20 years.
    My favorite classical ballets are Giselle and Swan Lake. La Bayadere is OK, but the variations in the second act of Sleeping Beauty make me a little crazy.
    My favorite abstract/modern ballets are Balanchine's Serenade, and The Vertinigous Thrill of Exactitude. There are many other repertory pieces that I like.
    My age is at the top range of your choices.

    1. You know, it's never too late to try! There are a lot of introductory courses out there, for all ages and skill levels.

      Going to the ballet is my next favorite thing to taking ballet class! Youtube is a wonderful source for seeing ballets which would otherwise go undiscovered, but seeing ballet performed live.. Nothing quite like it!

      Thank you for taking the time to answer!

  8. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy? I have always adored ballet and I think it's the beautiful music that makes me the happiest:) That and learning pointe!!!!
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe? I danced as a kid but not too seriously..and I started back again about a year and a half ago...I've been en pointe for about 6 months.
    3. How many dance classes do you take? I take on average 4 technique classes and two pointe classes a week.
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities? We may be doing some variations in pointe class....we are hoping to have soem performance opportunities!
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone? Remember to "dance"...we get caught up in technique so much!
    6. What are your favourite ballets? Giselle, swan Lake...the classics
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now? For me petit allegro is always hard!!!!
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit? I am getting good at pointe..and I like grand allegro:)
    9. How old are you?
    35-45 but I think I seem much younger;)I don't like to limit myself!
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    You are doing great!!! Super interesting blog! Love it:) Inspiring and informative!

    1. 1. In the end it comes down to the music! I remember listening to classic ballet scores like Giselle and Swan Lake long before I took my first classes. :)

      2. Congrats on your comeback!

      3. That's a good number of classes, you're bound to grow stronger fairly quickly!

      4. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

      5. Yes. Technique is very important, but you gotta dance too.. Otherwise the art is lost.

      6. Who doesn't love the classics? :)

      7. I don't know if this helps, but petit allegro is about thinking on your feet. In your mind, you have to be one step ahead - but of course on the beat! :)

      8. Aah, grand allegro.. The experience of flight :) Oh, and way to pointe!

      9. I know what you mean ;)

      10. Thank you so much!

  9. 1. Not so much joy as an escape. No computers there.

    2. Ballet, off and on for about 15 years? It's been a while now. I went on pointe in '08 but am on an extended tendinitis related hiatus. Modern dance company around 99-02, back to ballet in '04 with a katrina lull in the usual spot.

    3. 3 1.5 hour ones a week when I can, two at minimum.

    4. I am done with performing. People try to recruit me into nutcracker and I'm not really up for it.

    5. Keep going! No one will notice if you screwed up as long as you finish the dance!

    6. Hmm. Difficult one.

    7. This may not be the most challenging, but it's killer, and it's just "glissade, brisee, glissade, brisee" forever.

    8. Jumps!
    9. 30. I like being 30, much more than I did 29.

    1. 1. I can't see a better way to escape, short of leaving the country and dancing somewhere else ;)

      2. Tendinitis? That sucks. :/ Hope you get better soon! Modern dance company = so very cool!

      4. Well, you can always change your mind later on.. ;)

      5. Good advice!

      7. Not exactly my favorite either. Especially with added volés. Can't figure out the dynamic / rhythm..

      9. :)

    2. as to #5, I had a prop fall on me once (a glancing blow by a papier-mache tiger) and it was a toss up of who noticed and who didn't. It was strange....

  10. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    My mind is over active, worries about the future, nostalgic about the past. Dancing is the only time when I really live in the 'now'. I feel freed from everything that is worrying me and I really inhabit my body, so I'm as whole and as happy as I can be. I love the music, the ritual, the perfectionism of it and I live for those rare moments when you lose yourself for a second and really fly.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I started ballet when I was 4 and gave up at 13 just as I was starting pointe. I started again at university and never looked back. I think I only really started to consciously learn and love ballet as an adult. Started learning pointe for a couple of years in my late 20s and did RAD inter exam, but since then I haven't done any pointe as I have had two children and haven't been able to take enough classes and get my strength back to where it should be for pointe, or to find an adult pointe class near where I live now. My shoes are lovingly tucked away in my wardrobe. I hope they'll be used again some day.

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    Right now two intermediate classes a week. It's only the last month that I've taken two classes, before that it was only one for the last three years, but before that when I was childless I used to take an average of three a week. I'm *very* excited about taking two classes again!

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    It's my secret, but I am going to do a piece in a show with one of my classes in May. The last time I was in a show was in university and then there was the RAD exam, which felt like a performance. I feel a bit nervous about this show, but also quite excited. That's what it's all about.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Not to over work. Not to try and deal with all corrections at once, but rather to take one or two things to a class with you and focus on them. To imagine a connection from the front of your ribcage through to your tail bone to keep you zipped in and not throwing your ribs out when you turn.

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    Macmillan's Manon, Romeo and Juliet, anything by Jiri Kylian, Giselle. I love the classics too, I could go on indefinitely, it's hard to pick favourites.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    fouette turns still elude me, chaines also really hard for me so I'm working on those. It's really the simple stuff that is constantly challenging. Really well turned out rondes de jambes, using the floor properly in tendus...the list goes on

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I guess my upper body and port de bras is stronger than my turn out and leg placement, although I'm not bad at petit allegro on an energetic day

    9. How old are you?
    36 (and beginning to think that brief flirtation with pointe was all I'm going to get - tell me I'm not too old to get back up there!)

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    I love what you write. Just keep on doing it. Congratulations on your 100 posts!

    1. 1. Wow. I wonder if all the teachers know how much dance means to us adults.. Could anyone have a more grateful student body? :)

      2 & 3. You have a very strong background in ballet. You're bound to bounce back quickly, even after prolongued breaks. Glad that you get to take 2 classes this year!

      4. Congrats! That is so exciting. Nerve-racking but exciting! :)

      5. I'm going to think about that zip next time we do pirouettes (tonight). Good point also about the not over-working.

      6. I'm with you. Have you seen Macmillan's Winter Dreams? Woderful pas de deux:s..

      7. I'm trying to re-think my rondes de jambes. Instead of moving the leg from front to seconde, then back, it's front - ecarté - derriere. And I have been told not to bring my heels together in first, as this loosens my working knee too much.

      Fouetté turns? You and me both.. It's like riding a wild horse. Yikes.

      8. When you perform, the audience will not notice your turn-out. But they will look at your face and upper body! :)

      9. Katharine, you are not too old to get back up on pointe! Trust me, I'm speaking from experience :)

      10. Thank you so much!

    2. Yes, Winter Dreams is beautiful! I first saw it with Bussell and Mukhamedov and it remains one of my favourites. I have it on dvd now.

      Ronde de jambes - thank you! I am going to try thinking that way tonight. You have just reminded me also that an old teacher used to recommend reaching for the inbetween points, halfway between devant and second and then half way between second and derriere. To try and really lengthen the leg and reach out of your hip.

      Oh and I'm so excited today, because last week I discovered that my new teacher also teaches half an hour of beginners pointe just before my class. I didn't realise as it's in a different studio. I'm going tonight!! Seems so strange that I discovered this just after wondering if I would ever get up there again. I doubt if I'll ever be hopping as you described in your recent post though, that sounds really fun. You can pretend you're Giselle!

    3. Katharine, that's great! How did you like your return to pointe? I can imagine your toes must have been less than happy, but you get used to it again :) And you might get back to the hopping too!

      About those rondes.. One of my teachers just told me not to drop the foot when I go past seconde. She stood behind me the whole exercise (facing the barre) and kept saying: don't drop it, don't drop it.. And you know what - it worked! Best turn-out I've ever had :)

    4. right I'm going to try to say that to myself as I go past second in my rondes tomorrow night. I guess that's the crucial point for holding that turnout as long as... you... possibly... can! converting turnout at the side to turnout at the back is always a tricky moment.

      And the pointe - yes, blimey! my toes knew about it even though I'm quite a wuss and use a fair bit of padding. But I wasn't as weak as I'd expected. Found it was a bit too easy to just think of the feet and to forget to pointe with my whole leg, so I did end up with sore achiles the next day. but I've learned from that. :)

  11. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    Ballet is freedom! But also self-control. It makes you push yourself further. It's beautiful.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I have recently completed twelve dancing months since I restarted. I did ballet for seven years when I was a child, but I didn't remember much, so I don't really dare saying I've done ballet for eight years!
    I restarted pointe in mid-October (I did a year or so when I was 12) and now I'm having so much fun!

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    Usually third classes a week: two intermediate hours and one pointe. But now we're rehearsing, so I have ballet everyday, from Monday to Saturday (nine hours a week or so). Fun (and exhausting) times!

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    Well actually I can consider myself fortunate if I can perform once a year. As you may know, Spain doesn't have a dance tradition and doing more performances is simply not possible. :(

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Actually I have written down some phrases my teachers have said. These are two of them:
    "Give a hundred per cent of your dancing during rehearsals so when I ask you for 120% during the performance you won't run out of stamina! Make the most of every rehearsal!"
    "Don't feel ashamed. We're a family. We're not here to compete, but to dance together."

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    In no particular order, though I may admit that I have endless love for the first one: Manon, Swan Lake, Giselle, Romeo and Juliet, La Bayadère and La Fille Mal Gardée.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Jeté sautés en arrière when they are combined with something else. They are not really difficult, but after doing so many en avant, my mind blocks and I just don't know what to do with my legs.
    Pirouettes, for sure, are serious business.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    Barre! I feel very confident with my dear friend barre. We're becoming good friends :D

    9. How old are you?

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    Just thank you for your blog! I've read the whole thing and I love it. Keep up the good work, Johanna, and congratulations on reaching 100 posts!!!

    1. 1. It's amazing and wonderful how much dance can add to your life! :)

      2. That's kind of funny. I remember my first seven years in ballet very well, but then I was already 21 when I started! :D Of course you own every you year you have danced, it is part of your dance story! Oh, and congrats on your come-back anniversary!

      3. Wow. I am a little bit jealous. Wish I could perform in a full-length ballet (for adult dancers)! Such an amazing experience!

      4. Once a year is still better than not at all. When I started, there were no performing opportunities for beginning (or even intermediate level) adult ballet dancers. Only the girls/women with previous vocational training got to go on stage. Today, there are still some teachers who find the idea of adult "ballerinas" performing offensive! Thank god, not my teachers..

      5. I love the part of "we're a family" :)

      6. Lovely selection!

      7. Pirouettes. Oh yes. We love them, we hate them.

      8. Yes, Barre is a very comforting friend ;)

      9. I still feel 21. Sort of ;)

      10. Thank you so much, Nerea! <3

  12. Yay! 100 posts, that's fantastic, Johanna! Congratulations!

    1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    Ballet challenges me and fulfills me in every way – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, even social. There is very little else in the world that demands and rewards so greatly as dance.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I took a stray & random class here and there for about a year but only started to really train a year ago.

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    Four ballet classes a week, fingers crossed that I can make it to five starting in February.

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    I am, in fact, going to two auditions next month. Wish me luck!

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Love it. If you really love ballet then everything is wonderful - the time, the effort, the successes and even the failures, it’s all worth it.

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    If Manuel Legris dances it, I love it.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Turning. Turning. And turning.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    The barre is my friend. I love really slow, sustained, long combinations at the barre.

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    D. You can't put an age on dreams

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    What I love most about your blog, Johanna, is that you speak so openly and honestly about your love for ballet. You share with all of us your successes and your challenges and we are able to connect with you and this great community over our shared addiction to dance!


    1. 1. You and me both, Lorry :) I love how dance (with a little help from twitter/FB/blogging) connects us over this crazy distance!

      2. It's seems much longer! You sure are making fast progress, girl!

      3. Four is already commendable. Five is like dancing pro ;) Enjoy!

      4. Auditions??!! Yikes! Wow! Merde! Toi, toi, toi!

      5. Love this love-advice. If you don't love it, it's okay to go and find something else. If you do love it, every moment is so worth it. So very true.

      6. No suprise there, then ;)

      7. See, you're already mentally preparing for triples.. It certainly took me more than one year to get confident in most of my turns. Hang in there, and eventually it will become second nature. More or less ;)

      8. Yes, it's your friend. But let go as often as you can to test your placement.

      9. Ditto. :)

      10. Thank you so much, Lorry! I love our international dance commnunity, it's both supportive, motivating and inspiring!

  13. Hi Johanna, firstly huge congratulations on your 100th post, here's looking forward to the next 100!!

    OK in answer to your questions.....

    Q1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    A1. Dance and ballet in particular came to me at a time when i was lost and my life seemed empty. But ballet has lit a fire inside of me which burns so strongly and intensely that I now do not know how I lived without it for all of those years.

    Those moments when the positions and steps you've practiced begin to link together and flow perfectly in time with the music is like electricty running throughout my body, and puts a smile on my face for days to come.

    Q2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    A2. Just 3.5 short years have past since i first took a ballet step, having never had the opportunity when i was a child, and in the last 6 months I have embraced the challenge (and reward) of pointe work.

    Q3. How many dance classes do you take?
    A3. For most of last year I was doing just 2 technique classes a week, only 2.5 hours, then towards the end of the year, whilst unable to dance due to me recovering from an operation, I had what you would call an enphiny about ballet and what it means to me.

    So at the beginning of 2012, with a new mind set and a desire to improve, I am taking 6 technique classes a week (7.5 hours) plus an hour of floor barre. If there were more days to the week I'd be at more classes!!

    And come April of this year, I'll be starting at the RAD School in London with the goal of completing their Inter. Foundation Exam within the next 2 years.

    Q4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    A4. Sadly no, but who knows what opportunities the future will hold, I'd certainly would like the chance to day!

    Q5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    A5. Flow with the music, don't over-think and above all smile, right to the end. Ballet isn't meant to be easy, its only hard work that makes its look easy.

    Q6. What are your favourite ballets?
    A6. Firstly the classics, and I'd have to say both Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake in equal measure. The costume and colour of Sleeping Beauty, plus the pointe tour-de-force of the Rose Adagio, then there's the aching beauty and emotion of Swan Lake, 60 swans in the round at the Royal Albert hall is hard to beat.

    For the modern ballets, Macmillan's Song of the Earth is visually special, helped along by Mahler's haunting score, and Chris Wheeldon's Alice which i saw for the first time on TV over the Christmas period, what fun.

    Q7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    A7. I'm afraid that i am still finding Grand Allegro a challenge, it goes back to my answer to Q5 and trying to flow with the music whilst not over thinking, easier said than done, but i'll get there.

    Q8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    A8. Barre and adagio is where I feel and perform at my strongest, just seem to run out of talent and technique when it comes to allegro (see A7.) Pirouettes are getting there however my pirouettes en dedan will take a little longer to get knocked into shape.

    Q9. How old are you?
    A9. Gulp!!! here goes.... I was 36 when I started, and I turn 40 next week, RAD Foundation at Forty!! God I must be mad or obsessed or both!

    Q10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    A10. Well Johanna, its been said already by many of your avid readers/followers, but please continue to share your experiences and thoughts with us all, it helps to realise that we are not alone in our own little worlds of adult ballet, and as you so perfectly put in a tweet to me the other day "Life is too short to waist it not dancing"

    1. 1. Wow. Being passionate about something, anything, can really transform your life! Dance is so much more than exercise. Going to the gym just does not compare.. I'm happy you found that fire within you!

      2. It's never too late to begin ballet! :)

      3. That's a lot of class-time! Hope you are also taking good care of your body. Rest is important, for your muscles and your brain! As long as you don't push yourself too hard, you're goal is totally realistic. Way to go!

      4. I hope you get to perform! And why not do something on your own, or with other like-minded dance friends? You can video your dance and share, or keep it for yourself..

      5. "Ballet isn't meant to be easy, its only hard work that makes its look easy."

      This pretty much sums it up. :)

      6. I loved Alice's "rose adagio" - what a hilarious parody of the original! Plus brilliant dancing by Zenaida Yanowsky!

      7. In grand allegro you really have to throw yourself in. Any hesitation will kill your rebound and half your "air-time". But, as usual, with practice comes confidence.

      8. Forget about "talent". You want to focus on proper alignment and clean technique. Finish all your moves, each step counts. Again, practice and hard work will take you there! You will get better!

      9. All of us adult ballet dancers are more or less mad and obsessed :D

      So what if you're taking your RAD Foundation exams at forty? You're never gonna be as young as you are right now ;)

      10. Thank you so much, Rebecca!

  14. 1.
    I've always loved dance but never really had the opportunity to take classes until recently. I love the challenge that ballet brings. Its hard to describe the euphoria of nailing that really tough combo and actually feeling like a graceful ballerina.
    I started ballet classes a year ago but had 3months off during the summer when the university was on break. I had never taking ballet before that.
    I take four 1hr classes a week. Two beginning classes and two intermediate(these kinda kick my butt)
    I wish! I would love the opportunity but I do not know of any opportunities in my area
    Dance for yourself, don't compare yourselves to the others in class. Everyone has different levels of flexibility and each has their own strong suits.
    I haven't had the chance to see very many, so I don't really feel like I can give an accurate answer(working on it though!)
    Pirouettes LOL. I have a really hard time with these but when I finally land one it's the best feeling in the world
    Adagios are my fav. I just feel so pretty doing the combos :D
    24, started ballet when I was 23.
    I just love your blog! Your recent post about pirouettes really made my day.
    Sometimes it's just really nice to know your not the only one struggling sometimes. I try to remember that a year ago I had no idea what a pirouette was :)

    1. 1. It may be hard to describe, but we all know the euphoria you're feeling. It's just plain awesome :)

      2 & 3. I was almost 22 when I started, and have never looked back. With the four classes you're taking you will come along very nicely!

      4. When you get to the point where you really want to perform, come up with your own opportunities! You don't have to dance a tricky variation. Choose some beautiful music, and think simple.

      5. Smart advice. They should really write this on the studio walls!

      6. You'll have a wonderful time - just think how many ballets are waiting for you! :)

      7. Pirouettes are hard. A good pirouette can really make your day :)

      8. That's so sweet! I think every girl / woman wants to feel pretty from time to time. I love how ballet brings that out in you. Even if you are a jeans-wearing, biker-boots kinda gal ;)

      10. Thank you! And you're spot on - we tend to forget how much we've learned already :)

  15. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy? Sometimes I wonder that myself...that occasional brief moment when i look in the mirror and think "oh! i almost look like a dancer! that was almost good!" i don't really know why something so hard should make me so happy...
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe? I started Sept. of 2006.
    3. How many dance classes do you take? about 5 a week, totaling about 9 hours.
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities? i did my first recital last summer (2011) and hated it. it was very unorganized and the choreography changed from week to week and the costume was hideous (neon baby blue romantic tutu w/silver sequins. i'm not kidding). it was very stressful and i didn't feel like i did well. it was embarrassing and awful for me. but this year i'm going to work individually with another teacher on a pointe variation from paquita to try again!
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone? work at your level. watch others, but don't compare yourself to them. try again.
    6. What are your favourite ballets? Swan Lake, all the storybook ballets.
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now? pirouettes in general. it's very disheartening. and quick allegro. it's hard for adult brains to think that way i think...
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit? barre and sometimes (on good days! adagio!
    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams D, unfortunately...
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments? your blog is a gift, Johanna. I hope you write for many years to come. :)

    1. 1. If ballet were any easier, it wouldn't be as much fun! It is hard, but that makes learning so much sweeter. There's always potential, progress and discovery!

      2. Hey, I restarted in 2006! :)

      3. Wow, that's almost pre-professional. You get really hooked on the stuff, yes?

      4. Damn, that does sound bad.. :/ I would love to know how that Paquita variation worked out for you. Coincidentally, we practiced the first variation from Paquita in our pointe class. Wow, difficult - but totally exhilerating in the end! This one:

      5. Try again! Yes!

      6. I used to prefer abstract ballets over Swan Lake et al, but have since grown to enjoy them as well. Knowing about tradition and technique sure made a difference!

      7. You have a point there. Adult minds tend to overthink, whereas there's no time to think during complex and fast steps.

      9. Nothing unfortunate about D - that's my age bracket as well! :)

      10. Aww.. Thank you, Shannon!

  16. Congratulations on you 100th! Love your blog, it really inspires me.
    1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I am finally seeing brief glimpses of an actual dancer in the mirror. I can finally, after all these years look at myself in the mirror and like what I see(at least sometimes.)
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I began ballet October 4th of 2011. Never had taken a dance class prior to this.
    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    4-5 classes a week, usually 6 1/2 hours per week.
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    Not ready for this yet!!!And not sure if it is even a possibility at some point.
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Just try! If you have a dream don't worry about looking silly or failing. The only time you have is now!
    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    I have loved the music from Sleeping Beauty since I was a little girl. Some parts of it still make me cry they are so beautiful. I was a musician before I was a dancer!
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    I am trying to learn spotting so I can turn better. ARGH it is so tricky!
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I love the zen and concentration of the barre. I feel like a real dancer with the adagio. My knees don't like the jumps as well.
    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams
    I am 51. Don't let age hold you back. And I WILL do pointe, no matter how long it takes me to be strong enough.
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    You are an inspiration. Keep being real. I read your blog before I started and it was one of the things that gave me the courage to try at my advanced age!

    1. 1. That's wonderful! I know the feeling.. :)

      2. Hope you're still going strong - your first anniversary is coming up soon!

      3. Lots of classes, I can tell you've fallen in love with dance. With that amount, you should also be making nice and steady progress. :)

      4. I hope you get the chance. Ballet is a performing art, after all. And it makes the idea of "presenting yourself" and "projecting into the audience" easier to understand. Also, fun!

      5. Super advice! Looking silly or failing is no biggie, all part of learning :)

      6. Music is such a powerful component of ballet. Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet does it for me.

      7. I know! I don't know why spotting is so hard. The head is supposed to turn quicker than the rest of the body, but mine doesn't like to do that!

      8. Sorry to hear about the knees. Be careful not to overdo it!

      9. I've found pointe to be very exciting, but it's also hard on the feet. Strength and technique alone is not enough, you also need a certain amount of flexibilty in your foot and ankle. Hope you get there!

      10. Thank you so much!

  17. 1. i've always danced & when i don't i'm cranky. my husband says i have to dance for HIS sanity :) it's my escape from reality, where i can lose myself or BE myself.

    2. a long time.

    3. i usually take about 3 times a week, plus teaching, which is not the same but still fun :)

    4. i perform in our studios nutcracker every year (as party parents) but it's more like court dances than ballet :) that's about it at this point.

    5. hmmm... don't know :)

    6. i realize this is cliche but i freaking love swan lake. other than that there are too many to list. the white swan PDD is probably my favorite thing ever.

    7. probably fouettes, i'm not really a turner. and i think brisse vole' is hard :)

    8. adagio i think, tho it can be grueling it seems that's what people always compliment me on. i love interpreting the music, i can get lost in it. but i also really love jumps and everything else but turns! unless i'm having a rare "on" day then i like them too.

    9. 48

    10. whatever suits your fancy jo :) xox
    congrats on 100!!

    1. 1. Glad your husband is on board with you! And I understand about the cranky part.. too well! LOL. :) I love how you sum it up:

      "It's my escape from reality, where I can lose myself or BE myself."

      3. Three times is great for upkeep, and making progress. Any less, and I get cranky! But I've seen that it can be hard for teachers to maintain their own dancing.

      7. Same here!

      8. The getting lost in music sounds lovely.. I love adagio too, except for all the developpés and grand ronde de jambes.. SO hard!

      10. Thanks, Robin!

  18. Congratulations:-)
    I´ve only been dancing for 1.5 years,but ballet does already mean so much. I'ver never ever thought of the possibility of dancing before, but while I first discovered ballet a whole new world opened up. Moreover it was so amazing to find out that there are so many other adult beginners out there, and especially that some of you take time to make these lovely blogs which gives so much inspiration and advise.
    Now dancing gives me a wonderful break from my always buzzing brain. its amazing.

    I take two lesseons of 1.5 h per week. And plan to give it a couple of years before starting on pointe, but Im so much looking forward to it.

    Its probably a normal way to express it, but my teacher always says we should sit up, rather than down when we do plié. I remember her saying in my very first lesson and that gave me a whole new understanding of how important the thoughts behind our movements are. So it was a great advise for a very beginner.

    Im 25,just starting to feel old, so I love that 25 goes in the category with the 20-year olds:-)

  19. Firstly; congratulations :)

    1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?

    Dance matters to me because it’s not a duty nor a responsibility, it’s not something I have to do to make money or to reach a certain social status. It matters because: I do it because I want to do it and not because I have to do it or because I should do it. It’s a choice to follow a challenge. Other people have that with other things; music, painting, sports, singing… The choice I made was dance and that’s why it’s important; it’s the one thing in life I know 100% sure that it was my 100% choice to follow. What brings me the most joy of it is that I know that I am free to leave whenever I want to, and that’s funny because it’s because of knowing that, that I know I will never leave. Ok, that was messy haha! I think everyone should have that opportunity, to be able to do one thing in life just for the sake of doing it.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?

    Danced ballet for 2 years (danced salsa since I have memory of it) Not on pointe (yet?)I hope to make it there once.

    3. How many dance classes do you take?

    Now I am taking 2 classes a week of 2 hours each. Hopefully from the summer on I’ll take a semi-sabbatical and will increase that amount to 4-5 lessons a week :D

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?

    In ballet, not yet, unfortunately.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?

    If you are going through hell, keep going. It’s something Churchill said, but I heard it the first time in a ballet studio.

    6. What are your favorite ballets?

    Don Quixote, Swan Lake & Giselle

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?

    Everything is challenging for me when it comes to ballet. Salsa feels natural for me, ballet doesn’t, I have to un-learn movements that are so into me from dancing Latin rhythms for so long, it’s hard and I like that.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?

    I love barre and anything that feels like flying (like grand jetés). Musicality is my strong suit.

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:

    I am 24 years old.

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?

    Keep this up, it’s on of the best blogs out there! :)

  20. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?

    It is a part of who I am, my identity. I love it, but I love performing the most.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?

    Ballet for 9 years, pointe for probably 5.

    3. How many dance classes do you take?

    I dance from 8 to 3 on weekdays and one class on Saturday.

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?

    A few times a year, the biggest being Nutcracker and spring showcase, but there are a couple smaller performances throughout the year.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?

    Work hard! (Lame answer, I know.)

    6. What are your favourite ballets?

    Serenade is my favorite at the moment. I also love Giselle and Stanton Welch's Marie.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?

    Hmm, I'm not sure. I find the first shade variation from La Bayadere to be very difficult. And fouettes. I am a terrible turner.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?

    I love waltzes, anything dance-y and move-y. I also like grande allegro.

    9. How old are you?

    I am 18, almost 19.

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?

    Anything! I really enjoy reading your blog!

  21. Congrats on reaching the century mark. Yours was one of the first blogs I came across when I began my second attempt at ballet a year ago Saturday.

    1. It brings me a since of joy that I find difficult to explain. It does what it does, and I don't worry about why.

    2.I took up ballet in college, and kept up through graduate school, in which I managed to burn myself out. So, that was about five years. Ballet 2.0 began last January. That brings us to six years in total, oh and I've toyed with pointe for the last six months, nothing serious though.

    3. I have three classes a week which I regularly attend, and a fourth which I can sneak in when I have the chance. I've got two beginnerish / open classes in which she gives several of us more challenging options if we want. There is the intermediate class, and an int/adv/ open class which he lets us tweak anything we are not comfortable with.

    4.Unless your in the Big City Fancy Pants Company or a kid you don't have much of a chance to perform. It's an opportunity I would love to have a try at one day, but my options are currently limited. A complete bummer!

    5. If you screw up, keep going. Hopefully nobody saw it.

    6. Honestly my knowledge of ballets is lacking in comparison to the above comments. I know the one's most everyone knows of; Swan Lake, The Nutcracker...

    Yeah, yeah, I know, I need to get out more.

    That said, I'm completely obsessed with Elite Syncopations, more accurately I'm obsessed / in love with this, It blows my mind every time I watch it, and I watch it a lot! I've seen others do the exact same thing, but it just isn't the same.
    I think I came across it on your twitter feed, so thank you for posting that video!!

    7. Everything is challenging! We do these center combination that Big Tex comes up with that look like miniature ballets that makes use of the entire studio. French, French, French, French.... It may be a piece from something, I don't know for sure.

    8. Usually when the class collectively groans and rolls their eyes I know my favorite part of class has begun, jumping. I don't quite know why everyone else seems to hate it, it's so much fun! To me it's what I think about first when I hear the word ballet, right up there with tutu's and pointe shoes. Center work is up there too, it can be the best thing ever, or completely terrifying.

    9. I quit counting.

    10. Like several others have said, keep up the good work,I love the blog and the tweets too! I appreciate all of the Youtube links in your tweets, even the ones in Finnish.

  22. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I just love dancing because I feel very much myself when I do it.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I just started ballet in September 2011, as an adult beginner (early thirties)

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    2-3 classes a week

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    No, not yet.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Listen to every correction the teacher makes in the class. And: practice, practice, practice!

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    More a favourite choreographer: Pina Bausch

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I feel strongest when it comes to interpretation

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams
    I am 32

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    I love reading your blog!

  23. 1. The feeling I'm ding something right, without thinking, just following the music (happens very rarely but it's great!)
    2. 1,5 years, no pointe
    3. 2 per week each lasting for 1,5 hours
    4. Not many, the best ones can enter some competitions but I'm so far from that level. :D
    5. Hm, to listen only to the corrections of the teacher and not to watch her expression which is often like- what the hell are you doing?
    6. Giselle, Tchaikovsky pdd
    7. pirouettes, pirouettes and pirouettes :D (it's more a psychological issue for me, when I'm not thinking about it, I get them right...)
    8. barre, because it doesn't show my awful balance and also port the bras because I can mask most of my mistakes with drawing the attention to them :D
    9. 17
    10. No suggestions, I enjoy all kinds of your posts. :)

  24. 1.Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    Its an escape for my mind and my body.
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    1 year now- I took a 20 year hiatus.
    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    3-4 a week
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    None for the adults in my area but it would be nice.
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Take a breathe in while turning, it gives me an extra turn
    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    The Bright Stream
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Pirouettes to an open position- results in openly falling down
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    odd for a girl but I am jumper. I love allegro and could jump all day
    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams
    I am 31
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    keep it up!

  25. 1. Dance matters to me because it’s the time I can concentrate on myself and express and move freely. Dance is a good and healthy way to release emotion and it allows you to leave your stress on the dance floor.

    2. I have danced ballet and other dances for twenty-one years and have taught dance for the last six years. Pointe, on the other hand, I didn’t learn until I was nineteen and have danced and taught it for the last four years.

    3. I don’t take dance classes anymore since I teach now. I’m in my last semester of college so I teach at the studio I took dance at one night a week. I teach seven classes and they are 2 Tap, 2 Ballet, 2 Jazz, and one tumbling class that range in age and skill level.

    4. The studio that I work at has a parents week where the parents can come watch their kids in the studio setting and see what their learning. We also have a recital in June. There is a performance opportunity for me because the teachers and assistants do a dance together in the recital.

    5. What we tell our students is to never give up and practice makes perfect. You will never get every step right away and you just need to keep doing it to get better.

    6. My all time favorite ballet is the Nutcracker and will always be my favorite. The Nutcracker is what made me fall in love and enjoy dance.

    7. I can’t narrow down a most challenging step or variation because I’m still learning. I can only teach beginner Pointe classes right now because I have small ankle bones and it takes me longer to get certain steps down.

    8. I would say Barre is my strong suit.

    9. I am 23 years old and I started dancing when I was 3.

    10. All I have to say is keep doing what you’re doing. I enjoy reading your blog and it gives me the motivation to keep learning so I can move up a skill level.

  26. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    This question is a difficult one to answer, because it is so natural for me to care about dance. It's like asking, why do you love your favorite color? I can't say; I'm just naturally drawn to it. I suppose it's because I love art and any form of self expression. I think dance (especially ballet) is one of the most beautiful art forms and one of the purest forms of self expression.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    On and off since high school, but all together only 2, maybe 3, years. (There was a several year hiatus while I was at university). I've only been en pointe for four months.

    3. How many dance classes do you take? Three per week, at the moment. I was only taking one a week but recently added two.

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities? Not currently, but I'd love to perform eventually. Maybe next year.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone? If you wish to take ballet but feel reluctant, like the Nike ads say, just do it. Don't wait for this or that. There will never be a better time to take ballet. Just do it. Today. :)

    6. What are your favourite ballets? Swan Lake and Don Quixote

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now? I always veer off in the wrong direction when we do chaines en pointe. So that's the most challenging for me.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro... What is your strong suit? It's not on the list, but I am most comfortable with my pique turns. It's when I pique turn that I feel the most like a dancer.

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from: I'm 23.
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams\

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments? I'm just really, really happy to know another person who started late but is still crazy for ballet. :) Also, I saw on twitter that you did a triple pirouette??!?! Details, please?

  27. 1)I guess dance matters so much to me because I've been dancing for so long that it's a natural part of me. I can not not say why it matters so much, but I guess it's because I wouldn't be me without it.

    2)I have danced ballet for almost 15 years and pointe for almost 6 years.

    3)Ohhh, I take at least 11 classes, everyday for about 4 years now. I know it's a lot, and I don't know how I balance them.

    4)Yes, but as of the moment, I am just training for juilliard. I've been accepted and now I'm just practicing and rehearsing until I move over there.

    5)She says, "Never think too much of it. Just dance it out. If you feel like a fool, keep dancing. We all are." I just get so inspired whenever she says it.

    6)Ooh, that's a hard one. That'd be Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker

    7) Right now, a double tourjete into an arabesque is doing difficult for me on my right. I'm a lefty by nature so everything right is hard.

    8) I love my developes and my port de bras right now

    9) A)14-19, I'm only 17, but I'll be 18 soon.

    10)I'm new to this site, but I developed with a big chest and a butt, and I was always self-conscious since ballerinas are so flat (in a good way) so if there is any advice for girls with my body, that'd be awesome ;)

  28. 1. Because it's something completely different from the rest of my life - it's my form of meditation

    2. I danced for 10 years, then took 2 years off and started again a year ago. I haven't start dancing on pointe again unfortunately.

    3. 2 classes per week.

    4. My dance school has a recital every other year. Because of travel plans I have this spring I can't participate in this one... But the performing is not important to me.

    5. Corrections are a compliment.

    6. Ballets that I get to see live! I saw a modern ballet at the Vienna Opera House last year that was fabulous.

    7. Not sure, but I always find pirouettes challenging.

    8. Allegro. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could jump more!

    9. 21, but also D)

    10. Just keep writing

  29. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I like moving to music, it helps me release all my pent up energy and stress.

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    Less than a month. I started my first absolute beginner ballet class on 8th Jan 2012

    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    1 absolute beginner ballet class, once a week. I used to take belly dancing classes once a week. And I’ve been pole dancing for a year and a half.

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    None for ballet. I’ve done a group belly dancing performance for my school’s showcase. And I’d like to get the courage to put my hand up for a showcase performance at my pole school.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    Funny things my ballet teacher says all the time: “Don’t look at your feet. If you keep looking at them, they’ll fall off.” And “Tuck your tailbone down towards the floor, keep your bum tucked in – don’t advertise.”

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    I’ve only watched two ballets before, and this was many years ago. The second (and last, at least to date) was Sleeping Beauty. The principal ballerina seemed like she was about to tip over every time she did her turns that I got really stressed up on her behalf, and for a long time after, I didn’t want to put myself through the stress again.

    I’d like to watch Swan Lake and Giselle though. The plot sounds very romantic.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Chassé. Only because we’ve been asked to do it four by four across the room, and I can’t hide in the crowd! :)

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I’m not sure if I’m particularly strong at anything yet. But my favourite thing to do in class is when we do 4 counts of bouncing, then quick little jumps (I don’t know what they are called) – 4 in a row – with feet in first or second position.

    9. How old are you?
    I'm turning 30 this year.

    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    Love your blog – keep on writing! :)

  30. I´ve been wanting to answer to this questions (i love lists) since, eek! January??Terrible procastinator i am.

    1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    It makes me feel free, i forget all my worries are problems thanks to it. Wanted to dance since i was a child and didn´t do it till now...but enjoying every single second of it.
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    2 years now.
    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    I don´t only do ballet so i´ve been taking just one class a week, next term i´ll go up to 2 or 3 depends on how many of the "other things" im willing to give up.
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    Not in ballet, at least not in the school i am.
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    What i remember the most, because i found it kind of funny is : breathe! and relax...other teacher told me to smile as well (i used to press my lips together very hard when concentrated or doing an effort..hehe).
    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    Don Quixote, Swan Lake, Les Sylphides, Scherezade..
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Last thing i learnt before the holidays was the pas de basque, i managed well with the feet but i didn´t quite get the head movement.
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    Mmmm i don´t know, i think i don´t have a strong suit yet ;)
    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    I turned 33 this year uuufff :S
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    I can´t think of anything because you really write about everything already: Keep up with it, it´s such a nice and inspiring blog, im adicted to it, i said it already :))

  31. 1. Dance= my stress reliever, my outlet for creativity (and hyperactivity LOL). Also it helps me show the world that fairy tales CAN happen. Seeing people enjoy the stories we tell brings me a great amount of joy. Seeing that we inspired little girls and boys to dance also does that.

    2. Started dancing when I was 5. But I'm not dancing professionally (though I do want to). Started pointe work when I was 10.

    3. During the regular days we have one two-hour session per week. During summer I can get up to four a week (classical technique, pointe, and contemporary and if I'm really free, I do jazz).

    4. Definitely school recitals! Also when other people invite us to dance at their events.

    5. Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do.

    6. Swan Lake and Coppelia (the tragedy and comedy of the ballet!)

    7. Most challenging step: I don't know! Hops are hard but I can do them with practice. Fouettes too. I also despise chaines. Up til now I'm still figuring out how to do them tighter and faster. For the variations: they're all hard in their own ways, so yeah.

    8. Barre and probably pirouettes (though it depends on the day) and the grand allegro. I hate petite allegro and all those beats. How about pas? :) I love it! Though we don't get to do it at our school cause there're no boys to partner with. :(

    9. A! Almost B. ;)

    10. Lovely blog, just stumbled upon it through Google! Keep up with the dancing and the blogging. Sending my love from halfway across the world in Asia. :)

    1. 1. Have to agree, although ballet can cause stress of its own too! Sometimes I want it so much, I forget to calm down and stress about hard steps and combinations. Must remind myself to relax and enjoy, no matter what! :)

      Must be wonderful to bring dance to an audience and inspire a new generation!

      2. Wow, that's early. I started when I was 21. :)

      3. You haven't chosen a dance major? Your schedule is great for variety, but if you're thinking of a professional career, you need more ballet. Of course, we can't always get what we want. I could sing a song about it.. ;)

      5. Sound advice.

      6. Have you seen La Fille Mal Gardee? There's another ballet that will make you smile :D

      7. Chaînés.. I know what you mean. Think about turning in fifth, that should bring legs closer. If you try to turn in first, legs tend to separate into second.. Just an idea from one of my teachers. :)

      8. Petite allegro takes a lot of practice. I'm just beginning to figure it out. To be really quick on your feet, you also have to be relaxed. Not so much to lie down, but enough to let the right muscles do their work.

      10. Thank you! :)

  32. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?

    I love improving every little step. I love trying to float - make it look effortless although it is hard work. I love connecting the steps and feeling them and I love being "the flexible one".

    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?

    I've been doing ballet since I was about 15 1/2 which is too late unfortunately. Now I just turned 18 3 days ago which means I've been dancing for about 2 1/2 years now.
    And I am en pointe since the beginning of last "dance year".

    3. How many dance classes do you take?

    I'm going to be taking about 6 different classes a week starting with september (I changed studios)

    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?

    Both, recitals and shows. Nutcracker and other ballets during the years.

    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?

    If it doesn't work the first time, keep on working. keep on dancing and one day it will work.

    6. What are your favourite ballets?

    Sleeping beauty and Giselle. I've seen swan lake TOO often. and I also really like Coppelia.

    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?

    Learning right now: sugar plum fairy variation. Working really really really hard on it.

    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?

    Barre I think.

    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    A) 14-19 B) 20-26 C) 27-34 D) 35-45 C) 46-57 D) You can't put an age on dreams


    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    Nope nothing. I really really really really love your blog though.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to answer all 10 questions! I've really enjoyed reading them all. :)

      Sugar Plum Fairy - wow! That's quite a feat after less than 3 years. You must be very motivated, and not without considerable talent! But then again, we need not be perfect. Just try to do our best, improve little by little and enjoy the ride! :)

  33. 1. Dance matters to me because it gives me goals to work towards and it's something I look forward to doing every week. What brings me the most joy is being on stage and inventing sort of an alter-ego when I perform.

    2. I'm just now starting ballet this year, but I've taken jazz classes for a year.

    3. I'm taking two classes this year. Both on Tuesday nights, one after another. Yikes...

    4. I just have a recital in June. Possibly a performance? I'm not sure, since I'm just starting ballet this year.

    5. My teacher gave me this advice when we were practicing our single pirouettes and pushing to get our doubles: "Don't be afraid of falling. I've fallen plenty of times before." Although it was a small piece of advice, it helped remind me that everyone falls from time to time, so go for it without any fears!

    6. Romeo and Juliet (the only ballet I've seen in person so far) and The Nutcracker. Of course. :)

    7. Right now I'm working on my leaps. I need to straighten my legs and work on getting higher!

    8. Pirouettes. But I'm only strong on my singles right now. :P

    9. I'm 16.

    10. I'm not sure if you've already written something like this, but maybe write about what to expect in your first ballet class? It'd be helpful! I love your blog btw :)

  34. I know this post is from months ago but I wanted to comment anyways :)

    1. Dance matters to me because it is my time to focus on one thing and one thing only; dancing. It is something that I am good at but it is also something I can always improve in.

    2. I have been doing ballet for about 2 and a half years now but I did jazz and hip hop before. I'm starting pointe this september and I am so excited!

    3. Last year I was only doing 2 classes a week but this year I am going into a pre-professional program and will be doing 8 classes a week! I'm kind of nervous I am going to burn out.

    4. For the past couple of years I have been dancing in yearly recitals and competitions during the year.

    5. My teacher always said that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses in their dancing. As much as you need to work on improving in your weak areas you always need to recognize your own strengths :)

    6. Don Quixote and the variation from La Esmerelda

    7. Cabrioles? I think that is what they are called.

    8. Pirouettes. Well, I'm still not great at them but I am better than most people in my class!

    9. 15. I know I'm not an adult ballet student but I still love reading PTYD! I kind of feel like an adult ballet student sometimes because I'm a late starter, and I'm not flexible and there is no chance I will ever have a pro ballet career.

    1. Sorry, I didn't mean for the last part to be offensive at all. I just meant that I'm a late starter. Also, I do ballet for fun and I think some people think I shouldn't be doing a pre-professional program if I'm not as good as I should be at this age.

  35. 1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    sometimes i get lots of crap from school and the people around me, but during ballet i feel a sense of relief and hapiness. there is so much energy in me and i finally get to "show off" something really makes me cling on to some hope that theres something to live for.
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    i have been doing ballet for 2 and a half years( i started really late) and pointe half a year ago
    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    on an average week i take 2 structured syllabus classes(3.5hrs), chinese dance twice a week(3.5hrs), contemporary once a week(2hrs), jazz once a week(1.5 hrs), ballet repertoire/rehearsal once a week/ open ballet class(3hrs) so lets see... in total i think 7? but sometimes i have 2 classes a day so i dont dance everyday
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    yeah, but only like twice a year
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    my teacher said that he believes that anybody can dance and he doesnt believe in stupidity or age or other factors can affect the dancer in anybody but its all about PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE HARD WORK PAIN

    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    hmm nutcracker and coppelia
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    i think its dance of the owls variation from coppelia where we have to do sutenus( i cant spell) en pointe. oh i have a little trouble with grand jete en tournant
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    i think barre
    9. How old are you?
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments? nope!:) but I LOVE DANCE <3

  36. Hi! Nevertheless you posted this almost tree years ago, I wanted to answer your questions. I stumbled upon your blog about two weeks ago and i've read all the 100 blogpost! So, congrats on you, i'm hooked! :)

    1. Why does dance matter to you, what brings you the most joy?
    I can't tell why, but dance has become a major part in my life. There were times I didn't feel good about myself, that I was frustrated about me and my dancing. But somehow I couldn't stop going to classes and wanting tot dance even more. In ballet class I find myself extremely vulnerable and I cannot hide from myself. If I feel bad, it will show, if I feel happy or silly, it will also show. I'm being ME when I'm dancing and I enjoy it.
    2. How long have you danced ballet / pointe?
    I've started ballet when I was 6 and I've never stopped. Slowly but steady I took more lessons a week and I became more passionate with the years. I think the first time I got on pointe, I was 13. But it was not consitently and if so, only about ten minutes a week. Due to bad feet I quit pointe only to find myself restarting from time to time because I cannot give up the dream of dancing en pointe. So currently, I'm trying again to master basic level pointework.
    3. How many dance classes do you take?
    The last couple of years I've taken up to four lessons a week. But currently I can take only two lessons a week because of my working schedule. It drives me nuts!
    4. Recitals, shows - do you have performing opportunities?
    We have a school recital every year, in which every class performs a routine.
    5. What advice (from your teacher or yourself) would you like to share with everyone?
    It's all about 'présence', how you present yourself. People are very forgiving of bad feet if you are truly performing, enjoying yourself and smiling on stage. So make them look at your face, not at your feet!
    6. What are your favourite ballets?
    I really liked artifact from Forsythe and Onegin from Crancko. Oh, and Swan Lake from Haydée. I could sum up so much more!
    7. What is the most challenging step/variation you have learned so far, or are learning right now?
    Anything with high leg extensions, tours fouettés, ... I could improve on every step. Theorethically, I know the proper technique, it just doesn't show that way with my body.
    8. Barre, adagio, pirouettes, allegro.. What is your strong suit?
    I have good musicality and -if I may say so myself- pretty good arms. So I love the feeling of adagio even though my balance and my leg extensions aren't that good.
    9. How old are you? If you don't want to reveal your exact number, you may choose from:
    10. Is there anything you would like me to write about, or other suggestions, comments?
    I just recently discovered your blog. And I can relate to so much you're writing! So I will keep on reading everyting else you've written so far. And you, keep on dancing and writing and dancing! You're doing a great job, so thank you!

    1. Hi Josien!

      Thanks for taking the time to reply - I'm really glad you stumbled upon this post tree years after it was first published! I totally get your first answer, it's the same for me... My teacher recently told me that she can read me like an open book when I dance: if I'm happy or not, and everything in between. It's almost scary, but then again I don't want to hide behind a mask. You know? You have to be yourself when you dance!! :)

      - Johanna
