
December 7, 2011

My Little Ballet Wish List

Dear Terpsichore, Goddess of dancers - I beg of you - would you be so gracious and give my Pirouette Fairy another boost to her fairy dust? It does seem a little less potent of late. By the way, I'm still waiting for that quadruple pirouette, remember? The one on last year's wish list.. What do you mean I have to do the work myself? You are not seriously suggesting that there is no magic involved? I bet Hermione could do it!

All right then. I will focus on deep and active pliés, push my working leg into the floor and spot those turns. Yes, I will remember to lift my passé leg into retiré from underneath, and not with the top of my thigh. Heel forward and small toes placed at knee - okay! Still, a sprinkling of fairy dust couldn't hurt..

Darcey Bussell


  1. Hi there, I'm so happy I found your blog. I'm 17 years old and I've been doing Indian dance for most of my life, but I wish I could do ballet soooo badly it almost hurts. I love going and seeing ballets but I almost always leave feeling depressed because I feel like I'm simply too old to ever start learning at this point.

    Your blog gave me so much hope and inspiration... it truly is never too late to start learning something new!! Thank you for making me realize that... who knows, someday in the future I may end up taking ballet lessons just because of you :]

    A humble admirer <3

  2. Hi Indian Dancer :)

    I'm so glad you realized this - that you are not too old for learning ballet!

    In fact, you're going to benefit tremendously from your Indian dance training. You are already familiar with moving your body to music, and understand about rhythm and coordination. I don't really know much about Indian dance, but I know that all styles of dance benefit from exploring other ways of dancing!

    When you decide to take your first ballet class, look for a good school that offers ballet for adults at many levels. Classes should be disciplined, but with a positive vibe. Find the best teacher there is for your level. Be prepared to start with baby steps, be patient and never give up.

    Thank you for the lovely feedback, I'm so happy my blog inspired you! :)

    - Johanna
